by David Cobb
“Malka gave the most touching performance of the evening.”
Did the pleasure in the performance do anything for her?
It did.
“It gave me hope, I was elated, it made me feel complete”
Malka Marom, 26 year old Israeli singer, dancer and mother of two, has been ‘completely happy’ with only a single one of her performances.
The complete satisfaction came during a song-and-dance charity show she gave the Toronto Jewish Old Folks’ Home. “Of all places,” she was saying this week with her own brand of unaffected candor. “They were old and they didn’t clap very hard, but i knew it was special and the old folks knew it too.”
Did the pleasure in the performance do anything for her?
It did.
“It gave me hope, I was elated, it made me feel complete”
Though Malka means queen, her past is straightforward, unexotic.
“I did not fire a gun in any war, ” she said.
Malka was the child star of a US made film — “A small scale Exodus” — on the trials of settling Jewish immigrants in the new state of Israel and after that concentrated on singing and dancing, in both of which she is largely self-taught.
After she married a Canadian, Malka moved to Toronto.
“I have been very lucky.” she said, “to have started out here just when Toronto is coming into its own”